Will simply loop over the keys in the dictionary, rather than the keys and values. To loop over both key and value you can use the following: For Python 3.x: for key, value in d.items: For Python 2.x: for key, value in d.iteritems: To test for yourself, change the word key to poop. In Python 3.x, iteritems was replaced with simply items. Populating a dictionary using for loops (python) duplicate. Add a print statement in the second for loop – Ajay May 16 '15. How can I add new keys to a.


A dictionary is a collection which is unordered, changeable and indexed. In Python dictionaries are written with curly brackets, and they have keys and values.


Create and print a dictionary:

thisdict = {
'brand': 'Ford',
'model': 'Mustang',
'year': 1964
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Accessing Items

You can access the items of a dictionary by referring to its key name, inside square brackets:


Get the value of the 'model' key:

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There is also a method called get() that will give you the same result:


Get the value of the 'model' key:

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Change Values

You can change the value of a specific item by referring to its key name:


Change the 'year' to 2018:

thisdict = {
'brand': 'Ford',
'model': 'Mustang',
'year': 1964
thisdict['year'] = 2018
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Loop Through a Dictionary

You can loop through a dictionary by using a forWings of liberty key generator. loop.

When looping through a dictionary, the return value are the keys of the dictionary, but there are methods to return the values as well.


Print all key names in the dictionary, one by one:

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Print all values in the dictionary, one by one:

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You can also use the values() function to return values of a dictionary:

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Loop through both keys and values, by using the items() function:

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Check if Key Exists

To determine if a specified key is present in a dictionary use the in keyword:


Check if 'model' is present in the dictionary:

thisdict = {
'brand': 'Ford',
'model': 'Mustang',
'year': 1964
if 'model' in thisdict:
print('Yes, 'model' is one of the keys in the thisdict dictionary')
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Dictionary Length

To determine how many items (key-value pairs) a dictionary has, use the len() method.


Print the number of items in the dictionary:

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Adding Items

Adding an item to the dictionary is done by using a new index key and assigning a value to it:


thisdict = {
'brand': 'Ford',
'model': 'Mustang',
'year': 1964
thisdict['color'] = 'red'
Try it Yourself »Python for dictionary key value

Removing Items

There are several methods to remove items from a dictionary:


The pop() method removes the item with the specified key name:

thisdict = {
'brand': 'Ford',
'model': 'Mustang',
'year': 1964
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The popitem() method removes the last inserted item (in versions before 3.7, a random item is removed instead):

thisdict = {
'brand': 'Ford',
'model': 'Mustang',
'year': 1964
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The del keyword removes the item with the specified key name:

thisdict = {
'brand': 'Ford',
'model': 'Mustang',
'year': 1964
del thisdict['model']
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The del keyword can also delete the dictionary completely:

thisdict = {
'brand': 'Ford',
'model': 'Mustang',
'year': 1964
del thisdict
print(thisdict) #this will cause an error because 'thisdict' no longer exists.
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The clear() method empties the dictionary:

thisdict = {
'brand': 'Ford',
'model': 'Mustang',
'year': 1964
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Copy a Dictionary

You cannot copy a dictionary simply by typing dict2 = dict1, because: dict2 will only be a reference to dict1, and changes made in dict1 will automatically also be made in dict2.

There are ways to make a copy, one way is to use the built-in Dictionary method copy().


Make a copy of a dictionary with the copy() method:

thisdict = {
'brand': 'Ford',
'model': 'Mustang',
'year': 1964
mydict = thisdict.copy()
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Generate ssh key file pub. Another way to make a copy is to use the built-in method dict().


Make a copy of a dictionary with the dict() method:

thisdict = {
'brand': 'Ford',
'model': 'Mustang',
'year': 1964
mydict = dict(thisdict)
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Nested Dictionaries

A dictionary can also contain many dictionaries, this is called nested dictionaries.


Create a dictionary that contain three dictionaries:

myfamily = {
'child1' : {
'name' : 'Emil',
'year' : 2004
'child2' : {
'name' : 'Tobias',
'year' : 2007
'child3' : {
'name' : 'Linus',
'year' : 2011
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Or, if you want to nest three dictionaries that already exists as dictionaries:


Create three dictionaries, than create one dictionary that will contain the other three dictionaries:

child1 = {
'name' : 'Emil',
'year' : 2004
child2 = {
'name' : 'Tobias',
'year' : 2007
child3 = {
'name' : 'Linus',
'year' : 2011
myfamily = {
'child1' : child1,
'child2' : child2,
'child3' : child3
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The dict() Constructor

It is also possible to use the dict() constructor to make a new dictionary:


thisdict = dict(brand='Ford', model='Mustang', year=1964)
# note that keywords are not string literals
# note the use of equals rather than colon for the assignment
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Dictionary Methods

Dictionary Python For Loop

Python has a set of built-in methods that you can use on dictionaries.

Loop Over Dictionary Python

clear()Removes all the elements from the dictionary
copy()Returns a copy of the dictionary
fromkeys()Returns a dictionary with the specified keys and value
get()Returns the value of the specified key
items()Returns a list containing a tuple for each key value pair
keys()Returns a list containing the dictionary's keys
pop()Removes the element with the specified key
popitem()Removes the last inserted key-value pair
setdefault()Returns the value of the specified key. If the key does not exist: insert the key, with the specified value
update()Updates the dictionary with the specified key-value pairs
values()Returns a list of all the values in the dictionary