  1. Unable To Generate Key Pair Please Use New Token 2017
  2. Unable To Generate Key Pair Please Use New Token 2017
  3. Unable To Generate Key Pair Please Use New Token Card
  4. Unable To Generate Key Pair Please Use New Token In Spanish

Step 1: Create a new key pair. Create a new key pair using either the Amazon EC2 console or a third-party tool. If you want to name your new key pair exactly the same as the lost private key, you must first delete the existing key pair.

Applies to: Machine Learning Server, Microsoft R Server 9.x

  • You must return your key fob to IT prior to the expiration date and obtain a new device. You are responsible for the safe keeping of your key fob and must return the device to IT if you leave the employ of the University or no longer require the use of such a device.
  • Instead of using Amazon EC2 to create your key pair, you can create an RSA key pair using a third-party tool and then import the public key to Amazon EC2. For example, you can use ssh-keygen (a tool provided with the standard OpenSSH installation) to create a key pair.

Machine Learning Server, formerly known as Microsoft R Server, uses tokens to identify and authenticate the user who is sending the API call within your application. Users must authenticate when making an API call. They can do so with the 'POST /login HTTP/1.1' API call, after which Machine Learning Server issues a bearer token to your application for this user. Alternately, if the organization is using Azure Active Directory (AAD), users receive a bearer token from AAD when they authenticate.

Unable To Generate Key Pair Please Use New Token 2017

This bearer token is a lightweight security token that grants the “bearer” access to a protected resource, in this case, Machine Learning Server's core APIs for operationalizing analytics. After a user has been authenticated, the application must validate the user’s bearer token to ensure that authentication was successful.


For proper access token signing and verification across your configuration, ensure that the JWT settings are exactly the same for every web node. These JWT settings are defined on each web node in the configuration file, appsetting.json. Check with your administrator. Learn more..

Security Concerns

Despite the fact that a party must first authenticate to receive the token, tokens can be intercepted by an unintended party if the token is not secured in transmission and storage. While some security tokens have a built-in mechanism to protect against unauthorized parties, these tokens do not and must be transported in a secure channel such as transport layer security (HTTPS).

If a token is transmitted in the clear, a man-in the middle attack can be used by a malicious party to acquire the token to make an unauthorized access to a protected resource. The same security principles apply when storing or caching tokens for later use. Always ensure that your application transmits and stores tokens in a secure manner.

You can revoke a token if a user is no longer permitted to make requests on the API or if the token has been compromised.

Create tokens

The API bearer token's properties include an access_token / refresh_token pair and expiration dates.

Tokens can be generated in one of two ways:

  • If Active Directory LDAP or a local administrator account is enabled, then send a 'POST /login HTTP/1.1' API request to retrieve the bearer token.

  • If Azure Active Directory (AAD) is enabled, then the token comes from AAD.

Example: Token creation request

  • Request

  • Response

Token Lifecycle

The bearer token is made of an access_token property and a refresh_token property.

The 'access_token' LifecycleThe 'refresh_token' Lifecycle
Whenever the user logs in, or
a refreshToken api is called
Whenever the user logs in
ExpiresAfter 1 hour (3660 seconds) of inactivityAfter 336 hours (14 days) of inactivity
If the refresh_token was revoked, or
If not used for 336 hours (14 days), or
When a new pair of access_token/refresh_token has been created
If not used for 336 hours (14 days), or
When the refresh_token expires, or
When a new access_token/refresh_token pair was created, or
If the refresh_token was revoked

Use tokens

As defined by HTTP/1.1 [RFC2617], the application should send the access_token directly in the Authorization request header.

You can do so by including the bearer token's access_token value in the HTTP request body as 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token_value}'.

When the API call is sent with the token, Machine Learning Server attempts to validate that the user is successfully authenticated and that the token itself is not expired.

  • If an authenticated user has a bearer token's access_token or refresh_token that is expired, then a '401 - Unauthorized (invalid or expired refresh token)' error is returned.

  • If the user is not successfully authenticated, a '401 - Unauthorized (invalid credentials)' error is returned.


Example HTTP header for session creation:

Example HTTP header for publishing web service:

Renew tokens

A valid bearer token (with active access_token or refresh_token properties) keeps the user's authentication alive without requiring him or her to re-enter their credentials frequently.

The access_token can be used for as long as it’s active, which is up to one hour after login or renewal. The refresh_token is active for 336 hours (14 days). After the access_token expires, an active refresh_token can be used to get a new access_token / refresh_token pair as shown in the following example. This cycle can continue for up to 90 days after which the user must log in again. If the refresh_token expires, the tokens cannot be renewed and the user must log in again.

To refresh a token, use the 'POST /login/refreshToken HTTP/1.1' API call.

Example: Refresh access_token

  • Example request:

  • Example response:

Revoke refresh tokens

A refresh_token should be revoked:

  • If a user is no longer permitted to make requests on the API, or
  • If the access_token or refresh_token have been compromised.

/video-download-capture-key-generator.html. Use the 'DELETE /login/refreshToken?refreshToken={refresh_token_value} HTTP/1.1' API call to revoke a token.

Example: Revoke token

  • Example request:

  • Example response:

While Encrypting a File with a Password from the Command Line using OpenSSLis very useful in its own right, the real power of the OpenSSL library is itsability to support the use of public key cryptograph for encrypting orvalidating data in an unattended manner (where the password is not required toencrypt) is done with public keys.

The Commands to Run

Generate a 2048 bit RSA Key

You can generate a public and private RSA key pair like this:

openssl genrsa -des3 -out private.pem 2048

That generates a 2048-bit RSA key pair, encrypts them with a password you provideand writes them to a file. You need to next extract the public key file. You willuse this, for instance, on your web server to encrypt content so that it canonly be read with the private key.

Export the RSA Public Key to a File

This is a command that is

openssl rsa -in private.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out public.pem

The -pubout flag is really important. Be sure to include it.

Next open the public.pem and ensure that it starts with-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----. This is how you know that this file is thepublic key of the pair and not a private key.

To check the file from the command line you can use the less command, like this:

less public.pem

Do Not Run This, it Exports the Private Key

A previous version of the post gave this example in error.

openssl rsa -in private.pem -out private_unencrypted.pem -outform PEM

Unable To Generate Key Pair Please Use New Token 2017

The error is that the -pubout was dropped from the end of the command.That changes the meaning of the command from that of exporting the public keyto exporting the private key outside of its encrypted wrapper. Inspecting theoutput file, in this case private_unencrypted.pem clearly shows that the keyis a RSA private key as it starts with -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----.

Visually Inspect Your Key Files

It is important to visually inspect you private and public key files to makesure that they are what you expect. OpenSSL will clearly explain the nature ofthe key block with a -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- or -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----.

You can use less to inspect each of your two files in turn:

  • less private.pem to verify that it starts with a -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
  • less public.pem to verify that it starts with a -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----

The next section shows a full example of what each key file should look like.

The Generated Key Files

The generated files are base64-encoded encryption keys in plain text format.If you select a password for your private key, its file will be encrypted withyour password. Be sure to remember this password or the key pair becomes useless.

The private.pem file looks something like this:

The public key, public.pem, file looks like:

Protecting Your Keys

Depending on the nature of the information you will protect, it’s important tokeep the private key backed up and secret. The public key can be distributedanywhere or embedded in your web application scripts, such as in your PHP,Ruby, or other scripts. Again, backup your keys!

Remember, if the key goes away the data encrypted to it is gone. Keeping aprinted copy of the key material in a sealed envelope in a bank safety depositbox is a good way to protect important keys against loss due to fire or harddrive failure.

Oh, and one last thing.

If you, dear reader, were planning any funny business with the private key that I have just published here. Know that they were made especially for this series of blog posts. I do not use them for anything else.

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Unable To Generate Key Pair Please Use New Token Card

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Unable To Generate Key Pair Please Use New Token In Spanish

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