HTTPS requires an SSL Certificate. When you generate an SSL Certificate,you are creating a keystore file and a keystore password for use when the browser interface connectsto the Master Server.

You can choose whether to have a Certifying Authority sign the certificateor you can use a self-signed certificate. A certificate signed by a CertifyingAuthority is trusted by browsers, therefore the browser does not issue a warningwhen a user connects to the browser interface on the Master Server. Generally, CertifyingAuthorities charge a fee to sign a certificate. A self-signed certificateis available for use immediately after you generate the certificate becauseyou do not have to wait for the Certifying Authority to sign it. However,a self-signed certificate is not trusted by the browser, so the browser issuesa warning each time a user connects to the Master Server.

How to Generate SSL Certificates

Aug 20, 2012  To insert a public key certificate into a trusted keystore it needs to be exported as a.cer file. (There are several other options to use too.) keytool -v -export -file keystore1.cer -keystore. Getting server's self signed public key certificate and storing it in client's keystore and getting and storing client's self signed public key certificate in server's keystore: keytool -export -file server.cert -keystore server.jks -storepass 123456 -alias server keytool -export -file client.cert -keystore client.jks -storepass 123456 -alias.

To enable the browser interface to use SSL, you must first generate an SSL Certificate.You create a keystore file and a keystore password while you generate an SSLCertificate.

Before You Begin

To create a keystore file and a keystore password you will use keytool. keytool is a security tool availablewith the JRE. If you do not have keytool installed, youmust install keytool before you can configure the provisioningsystem to use HTTPS. The N1 Service Provisioning System installs the JRE. If you are configuringHTTPS after you have installed the provisioning system, keytool isinstalled on the system.

Generate Key File From Keystore Mac

  1. Change to the directory in which you installed the JRE.

    JAVA-HOME is the directory where you installedthe JRE. If you installed the JRE with the N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1, the JRE is installedin the N1SPS5.1-home/common/jre/bin directory.

  2. Generate the certificate.

    Set /keystore-location to the location andfilename of the keystore file where you want to store the generated key.

    Set password to whatever passwordthat you want to use as the keystore password.

  3. Follow the prompts to complete.

    Do not include anypunctuation in the name of your organization, otherwise the Java Certificatetool fails when attempting to generate the request. The Common Name (CN)must be set to the fully qualified host name, including the domain name, componentof the URI.

How to Obtain a Signature for an SSL Certificate

Business model generation organization elements key partners example. If you want to use a Certificate signed by a Certifying Authority, followthis procedure to submit the Certificate to the Certifying Authority to besigned.


Keystore File Download

  1. Generate the Certificate Request.

    /keystore-location is the location and filenamewhere you stored the generated key.

  2. Send the Certificate Request to the Certifying Authority.

    Follow the instructions provided by the Certifying Authority. The CertifyingAuthority returns a Certificate Reply.

  3. Save the Certificate Reply to a file.

  4. Verify the Certificate Reply.

    certificate-reply-fileWindows 7 pro oem key generator. is the filename ofthe Certificate Reply that you received from the Certifying Authority.

  5. Import the Certificate Reply file to the keystore file.

    /keystore-location is the location and filenamewhere you stored the generated key. certificate-reply-file isthe filename of the Certificate Reply that you received from the CertifyingAuthority.

  6. Verify the imported Certificate Reply.

    /keystore-location is the location and filenamewhere you stored the generated key.