To navigate from a .feature file to step definition

Control-click into Step Definitions from feature. Thing as the F3 'find step' key mapping. File has been fixed into the latest version of Cucumber-Eclipse. Mar 18, 2016. Bundle any cucumber java project OR Build any cucumber maven project having Features/Step-Definitions. Create new java/maven project, above JAR must be added into your new project class-path OR Add the above maven-module as maven-dependency into pom.xml file of your new maven-project. Jun 24, 2019  Cucumber Feature File Step Definition File JUnit Test Runner Class File Gherkin Keywords Notes:-. Step 1) Install Java & Eclipse Step2) Create Maven Project Step3) Update pom.xml with all. Oct 16, 2016  In this video we will create our first feature using cucumber for Java with IntelliJ IDE. We will also understand how different feature file in cucumber for Java is compared to Specflow feature file. Cucumber JVM Eclipse Plugin Warning message This page is a generic help message, and only shows basic information about software installation from the Eclipse Marketplace.

Eclipse plugin for Cucumber. Contribute to cucumber/cucumber-eclipse development by creating an account on GitHub.

  1. Github ssh key generate mac. Open the desired .feature file in the editor.

  2. Do one of the following:
    • Keeping the Ctrl button pressed, hover your mouse pointer over a step. The step turns to a hyperlink, and its reference information is displayed at the tooltip:

      Click the hyperlink. The step definition file opens in the editor, with the caret resting at the desired step definition.

    • On the main menu, choose Navigate Declaration.

    • Press Ctrl+B.

You cannot navigate to a step definition file, if it resides outside a package under the test root.

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To run Cucumber test with Java, following are the steps.

Step 1 − Install Java −

  • Download jdk and jre from

  • Accept license agreement.

  • Install JDK and JRE.

  • Set environment variable as shown in the following picture.

Step 2 − Install Eclipse IDE −

  • Make sure JAVA is installed on your machine.

  • Download Eclipse from

  • Unzip and Eclipse installed.

Cucumber Generate Step Definitions Java Eclipse Shortcut Key Pdf

Step 3 − Install Maven −

  • Download Maven −

  • Unzip the file and remember the location.

  • Create environment variable MAVEN_HOME as shown in the following image.

  • Edit Path variable and include Maven.

  • Download MAVEN plugin from Eclipse

    • Open Eclipse.

    • Got to Help → Eclipse Marketplace → Search maven → Maven Integration for Eclipse →INSTALL

Step 4 − Configure Cucumber with Maven.

  • Create a Maven project.

    • Go to File → New → Others → Maven → Maven Project → Next.

    • Provide group Id (group Id will identify your project uniquely across all projects).

    • Provide artifact Id (artifact Id is the name of the jar without version. You can choose any name which is in lowercase).

    • Click on Finish.

Step 5 − Open pom.xml −

  • Go to the package explorer on the left hand side of Eclipse.

  • Expand the project CucumberTest.

  • Locate pom.xml file.

  • Right-click and select the option, Open with “Text Editor”.

Step 6 − Add dependency for Selenium − This will indicate Maven, which Selenium jar files are to be downloaded from the central repository to the local repository.

Cucumber generate step definitions java eclipse shortcut key pdf
  • Open pom.xml is in edit mode, create dependencies tag (<dependencies></dependencies>), inside the project tag.

  • Inside the dependencies tag, create dependency tag. (<dependency></dependency>)

  • Provide the following information within the dependency tag.

Step 7 − Add dependency for Cucumber-Java − This will indicate Maven, which Cucumber files are to be downloaded from the central repository to the local repository.

  • Create one more dependency tag.

  • Provide following information within the dependency tag.

Step 8 − Add dependency for Cucumber-JUnit − This will indicate Maven, which Cucumber JUnit files are to be downloaded from the central repository to the local repository.

  • Create one more dependency tag.

  • Provide the following information within the dependency tag.

Step 9− Add dependency for JUnit − This will indicate Maven, which JUnit files are to be downloaded from the central repository to the local repository.

  • Create one more dependency tag.

  • Provide the following information within the dependency tag.

Step 10 − Verify binaries.

  • Once pom.xml is edited successfully, save it.

  • Go to Project → Clean − It will take a few minutes.

  • You will be able to see a Maven repository.

Step 11 − Create a package under src/test/java named as cucumberJava.



Step 12 − Create feature file

  • Select and right-click on the package outline.

  • Click on ‘New’ file.

  • Give the file a name such as cucumberJava.feature.

  • Write the following text within the file and save it.

    Feature: CucumberJava

    Scenario: Login functionality exists

    Given I have open the browser

    When I open Facebook website

    Then Login button should exits

Step 13 − Create step definition file −

  • Select and right-click on the package outline.

  • Click on ‘New’ file.

  • Give the file name a name such as

  • Write the following text within the file and save it.

Step 14 − Create a runner class file.

  • Select and right-click on the package outline.

  • Click on ‘New’ file.

  • Give the file name as

  • Write the following text within the file and save it.

Step 15 − Run the test using option −

Cucumber Generate Step Definitions Java Eclipse Shortcut Keys

  • Select file from the package explorer.

  • Right-click and select the option, Run as.

  • Select JUnit test.

Cucumber Generate Step Definitions Java Eclipse Shortcut Key Windows 10

You will observe the following things upon execution −

  • An instance of Firefox web browser will open.

  • It will open the Facebook login page on the browser.

  • It will detect the login button.

  • The browser will close.

  • In the JUnit window, you will see a scenario with green tick mark, which indicates success of the test execution.